Antenatal & Post-Natal Care
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Antenatal Care
It is the care of the women during pregnancy. Antenatal health care is preventive health care. This antenatal care should begin soon after notification of pregnancy and continue throughout pregnancy. Prenatal check-ups, pre-natal nutrition advice, and recommendation for a healthy lifestyle can obtain for the mother. The mother should attend antenatal clinics once a month during the first 7 months.
Post-Natal Care
The days and weeks following after the childbirth also know as postnatal period is a critical phase in the lives of mothers and new born babies. Postnatal care (PNC) for the mother should respond to her special needs, starting within an hour after the delivery of the placenta and extending it through the following six weeks. The care includes the prevention, early detection and treatment of complications, and the provision of counselling on breastfeeding, birth spacing, immunization and maternal nutrition.